(on if the team is playing its best right now) “I don’t know. We’ve had a good couple last games, so that’s always good. I know we need to play our best this game. You want to have confidence going into the game. I think we have confidence right now.”
(on what it’s like to see Tom Brady try to come back from injury) “That was pretty impressive. I went through it before, so I know how hard it is. It takes a lot of hard work. There’s good days going through it and bad days. He’s done a great job and he looks like the old Tom Brady still.”
(on if he ever doubted that Tom Brady could come back from injury) “No, I had pretty good confidence in Tom. I know his work ethic and how much it means to him to play football, so I knew he’d make it back.”
(on what the night before the Super Bowl is like) “We do everything the same as we do throughout the year. We have our meetings and everyone goes to their room and just tries to rest or visualize the next day. Try to keep it as a normal game as possible and do everything that you do normally.”
(on if he was able to get a good night sleep last time he was in the Super Bowl) “Yeah, I was, I think. That was a while ago, but I think it was a little different for me being younger then and my first time. This time I know everything that’s going on. I’ve been around a lot longer, so I think it will be a lot easier.”
(on playing a Super Bowl in a cold city rather than one with beaches) “Yeah, you’re right and I’m kind of glad for that. I’d rather our team be focused on the game than the night life, going to the beach or worrying about things like that. We’re here for one job and that’s to play a good game and hopefully win. We’re not too concerned with how the city looks. It’s been great. Indianapolis has shown great hospitality and they have everything set up very nice.”
(on how much pressure there is to block for Tom Brady) “A lot. That’s our job and if we don’t block for Tom, our offense isn’t going to do any good. We know it falls on us to keep him up.”
(on the key to keeping Tom Brady off the ground) “Just staying on your man, keeping the defensive linemen off them or if they’re blitzing, picking those up and just blocking those guys for as long as it takes. For as long as he needs, that’s how long we’re supposed to block for.”
(on if experience matters in a Super Bowl) “I don’t think so. I think it comes down to execution, whichever team executes the best. We had a pretty experienced team in ’07 and we lost, so I don’t think it comes down to that. I think it comes down to how you play that day.”
(on what a fourth Super Bowl win would mean to Tom Brady’s legacy) “It would mean a lot. How many have won four? A couple? Two? So he would be three. I’m sure those guys are in the Hall of Fame, so it would mean a lot. It would be a great legacy for him.”
(on if he thinks Tom Brady is the best quarterback in the League) “Oh yeah, by far. Well, not by too far. I think those other guys are pretty good. Not to take anything from them, but Tom Brady does a great job. I’ve never played with them. I only know Tom, but he’s pretty darn good.”
(on if there was ever a time in his career where he hated coming to Indianapolis) “Oh yeah, I hate coming here to play the Colts. I like it a lot better when they come and play us. They’re a good team. That’s probably why we hate them. They were good for a long time. They had a down year this year, but I’m sure they’ll get it back.”
(on if Tom Brady is motivated by rankings) “He might be. I don’t know personally, but I don’t think he needs to be motivated by that. Tom, he just wants to do the best job he can to the best of his ability and that’s what drives him to be the best. If people say he’s the best, he’s still going to work really hard. If they say he’s losing it, he’s going to work just as hard as he was before. I don’t think that stuff affects Tom.”
(on if he expects the Giants defense to respond with more stunts if the offensive line changes things up) “Possibly. We have a lot of different protections anyway. Every team we go against, we have max protection, empty protection. We try not to give the same look every single time. The defense, they’re doing the same thing too. They’re trying to change it up, so we’re not used to what they’re doing.”
(on how much it helps to have Coach Belichick who’s been in multiple Super Bowls) “I think it helps a lot. He knows how he wants to schedule the week because he’s done it quite a few times now, and he knows how he wants to do everything because he’s been through it so many times. I think it helps a lot and I think he’s putting us in good positions.”
(on what the best part about being an offensive lineman is) “Blocking. That’s all we do is block, so that has to be the best.”
(on what the worst part about being an offensive lineman is) “There’s no bad part for us. We’ve got it pretty good. I think it’s a great job to have and I wouldn’t want to play one of those other positions. They have to run too much.”
(on if he’s always been an offensive lineman) “No, I didn’t play offensive line until I got to college. I was a tight end and linebacker in high school.”
(on if the coaches gave everyone advice to watch what they say to the media) “Not so much. I think every team has PR guys tell them, ‘Whatever you say is going to be out there for everyone to see and it could be used in different ways.’ We’ve been told that so many times, I think it should be engrained in the guys, but guys still slip up and say stuff they shouldn’t.”
(on if winning the Super Bowl would be special for Robert Kraft and his wife) “Definitely special. That’s who we dedicated the season to. A win would be big for that. That would be very special for Mr. Kraft, his family, the whole team. It would really feel great, so hopefully we can get a win.”
(on what he was told to expect from Media Day) “I’ve been here before, so I knew what to expect. It’s a circus.”
(on if the team considers Media Day a necessary evil) “For me personally, I’d rather not be here. I’d rather be at the hotel watching film or even just taking a nap, but I know it’s part of the job. We have to be here.”
(on if he’s surprised he signed a long term deal with the Patriots) “I thought there was always a chance that something would happen. I just stuck to what I thought was right and it ended up working out for the best. I’m very happy to be with New England still and I think they’re still happy to have me or I wouldn’t be here. It’s worked out for both of us and it’s going very well.”
(on the challenges of the Giants defensive line) “A lot of challenges. They’re one of the best defensive lines in the game, got a lot of speed, a lot of good players and they wreak havoc on a lot of guys.”
(on if there is one guy in particular on the Giants defensive line to look out for) “They’re all good. They all do different things good, so you got to be aware of who’s in the game, who you’re going against and what his strengths are.”
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