(on how hard it is not to practice all week and still play in the game on Sunday) “As bad as my feet hurt, it’s not that hard. The hardest thing is just getting back into the groove on Sunday, just getting your feet under yourself which is why I practiced Friday. Offensively, technique wise, I just work on that as much as I can. Outside of practice I go into the meeting rooms and different things. It’s not that hard but just getting back into the groove of just running, keeping your feet under you, and trying to break tackles is what you think about more.”
(on when the last time he had good feet) “The last time I had perfect feet was senior year of high school and the first two games in college, and then it just started from then. Right now I feel great. This whole week is for recovery for me and for this team actually. I can’t complain about my feet right now. I’m able to walk around and not be in pain, get out of bed and not be in pain, so I’m excited about that.”
(on Tom Coughlin’s old school style of coaching) “That’s exactly what it is. With Coach Coughlin, he has his ways, the old school style. Us young guys, the vets, everybody tries to bring something different out of him. It doesn’t do anything but help our team. We’re just trying to make it to where everybody’s happy and he’s happy with the team. Just his type of preparing us and getting us ready is something you want in every coach.”
(on if he has any concerns about not playing on Sunday) “No. I’ve got the heart of the lion. I’m not messing with that. I don’t miss game days too often and I missed four this year. I felt bad for my team. For me just to miss any games it’s heart breaking. I have no setbacks. It’s early in the week. I might get a couple plays today depending how I feel when we get to the practice. They may not like that idea, but we’ll see how I feel.”
(on if he will face any more surgeries) “They haven’t really spoken on it. I know a couple of weeks ago they were saying that I didn’t need it. The medicine is working that I’m taking. The bone’s growing back in on my foot. There are just certain things you have to look at and I’ll get a couple of opinions and see when I can work. If I’m still hurting next month, then I’ll have to look into it a little future. Right now I’m not expecting surgery.
(on what he learned about the Patriots from watching the film from their Week 9 matchup, when he did not play) “They didn’t have quit in them. Their front seven on defense is remarkable. I’ve got a good buddy on the team, Brandon Spikes. He’s a great athlete. I trained with him this summer in Miami. Jerod Mayo, we came out of high school together. We had visited University of Virginia and I’ve seen it in him since then of how good he was. (Vince) Wilfork is just a monster in the middle. That’s what you ask for. We’ve got a great group of guys on offense that can handle business and we’ll take care of it.”
(on the Giants running game) “Our running game just started. It’s unheard of what our offense can do. It makes Eli (Manning) comfortable. Our receivers and the O-line just get more and more confident. We can be remarkable on offense if we can get that settled.”

(on his relationship with Brandon Jacobs) “Me and Brandon love each other like brothers. We call each other brothers every day. We hang out every day. He’s at my house or I’m at his house. In the locker room we want each other to be the best, so we’re helping each other in the team room, in the meeting rooms to do better and do different things, just give each other a piece of each other’s game. On the field if you’re getting the hang of it, things are flowing for you stay in. He knows how to do his thing. We see that happen and we can take advantage of it. It just comes from the love for each other and the game.”
(on the difference he can make against the Patriots defense) “They have a great defense, especially their front seven. Their fast and they move well up front. They cause holes. If we can just get them moving up front and get the running game going I think we can get comfortable and confident and be ready to go.”
(on how important his big run before the Hail Mary was and how it set the tone for them) “It was just a confidence booster. I was just able to get a pitch. The defense pulled hard. Everybody got their backside blocks. I was able to get back across the field and get out of bounds. And the Hail Mary set the whole tone.”
(on him and Brandon Jacobs getting the big runs when the team needs one) “That’s what we expect. We expect the big runs to come in there. It keeps Eli comfortable. It keeps the receivers comfortable. It also keeps the O-line confident. As long as we can keep making plays when they come to us, everybody stays confident and comfortable. I think our offense flows a whole lot better.”
(on how he has matured as a player since coming out of college) “Just this whole organization, they’ve helped me tremendously become the guy I am today, not only in football but the guy I am off the field. Brandon Jacobs, like I’ve said, he’s like a brother to me. He’s been with me my whole career with the Giants. I’m just happy this organization gave me this chance.”
(on if he thinks about the Patriots being ranked 31st in defense) “They’re a great defense and they wouldn’t be here if they weren’t good. I can’t take anything from them regardless of their 31st-ranked defense. They’re here in the Super Bowl. We had the worst rushing offense at the time and we’re here too. That’s all that matters.”
(on if he ever thought he would have such a successful career like he’s having) “I didn’t expect it. I’m blessed. I’m just happy for this opportunity.”
(on the Giants offense) “We’re bound for big plays. Actually the receivers and the running backs have a competition every year on who has the most big plays. They’re (receivers) doing a remarkable job this year. I don’t think the running backs are close right now. It’s just competition. I think we’ve won a couple and they’ve won a couple. We just work hard for what we do. That competition for the most big plays just makes us work even harder. If the receivers see the running backs make a big play they feel they have to too. It just makes our team better.”
(on how his foot feels right now) “It is the Super Bowl. You’re not going to miss this game for anything. I feel great. This whole week of recovery just makes it even 10 times better. I just hope to go out Sunday and be 100 percent.”
(on Victor Cruz and all the big plays he’s made this season) “I knew he’d be something when he first came in. Like I was telling someone yesterday, I remember taking him to training camp. He rode with me to his first training camp. I was just trying to explain to him how to catch people’s eye, how to catch the coach’s eye just to give him a feel. Being a rookie is tough. He’s worked hard at what he does. He came along and the next year he came along and surprised everybody. With me he didn’t surprise me because I knew how good he was.”
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