(on if he is still disappointed with the way things ended with the Jets) “No, I’m over it. When things first started happening and they weren’t going to bring me back and how that went, it was disappointing. With an organization that you spent so long with and you put all your heart into it to get to this point that I am at now. For them to basically close the door, it was tough, but I forgave them. I have put it behind me. I understand that it is a business. I had to go out and find the best situation for me and I found it here as a New England Patriot, and I’m at the Super Bowl.”
(on how they fight colds that may come with this type of travel and with meeting so many people) “You just try to keep your hygiene up – keep your hands washed, use hand sanitizer, take your vitamins. You just try to stay on top of that so if you do get something, you have something in your system that is kind of working already.”
(on if they tell the younger players about keeping their hygiene up) “Definitely. It was something that was mentioned before we got here. Anytime you are in a group or a crowd of people, germs can fly. For us, guys have been doing a great job of staying on top of those types of things. For us, it’s a matter of taking care of yourself, taking care of your body. It’s going to be a physical weekend for us, so we have to make sure we are on all cylinders going out. Health is a huge reason in that.”
(on the joy of being a new father) “It’s a feeling you can’t explain - to have all of your kids look at you like you are their king. Just seeing them grow, run around and see the transformation that they make. It’s great. It’s something that I always wanted to have and I am fortunate enough to have kids. God is extremely blessing.”
(on how big it would be to win and avenge the loss in Super Bowl XLII) “It would be great. I wasn’t on that team, but just to go out and get a win, period. For us at the end to have one more point then they have, and to put a ring on our finger would definitely be a great ending to the story.”

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