(on if Eli Manning makes the building more fun to work in because of his pranks on teammates) “We do not see that as coaches. That is done behind the scenes with players. The thing is, what he does a great job of is he knows when to do it and when not to do it because he is very much a serious student of the game. It is very important to him. He wants things done right. The coaches, he would be crushed if we weren’t disciplined in our presentations, if we weren’t extensive and comprehensive in our presentations. Like most people, he wants to enjoy what he is doing. When the opportunity presents itself he has always enjoyed a prank being played, especially when he is the one committing it. Now the players love it when it is reversed and he is the recipient of it. It is a good give and take. I think what it does, is it probably keeps him grounded with the rest of the players. He is one of us. Even though he is the quarterback, he is the leader, he is a captain, he is one of us. We can fool with him when the moment is right.”
(on if Eli Manning’s jokes keep things relaxed) “I think so, but it is a little bit different too because jobs and careers are at stake. If you don’t do your job right somebody can get injured. It is a violent game. I think the important thing is being able to know when to do it and when not to do it, and I think his timing is good.”
(on what he said to Eli Manning about throwing 25 interceptions during the 2010 season) “The thing that we talk about all the time is that it was as good of a year as he has had with the exception of the interceptions. You can’t divorce the two, but do not lose sight of the fact that you threw for more yards, you threw for more touchdowns, you threw for more yards per attempt. Where did the mistakes occur? Was it when you tried to exceed what the play was, the ceiling of that play? In some instances it definitely was. It is being sound of judgment. When are you taking your chances? Taking a chance when the probability of being successful is very, very low, then it is not worth doing. We are going to make some plays. Stay away from the bad ones. If that means you have to take a sack, which he loathes to do, he hates to do that. If that is the best thing to do on that play, then take it. Do those things. You are going to make enough plays. When the situation is such that the odds of you completing that pass, then don’t do it. Take the other. There also seemed to be an inordinate amount of tipped balls. That last year was one of those years where partly the ball was a little high, partly the timing wasn’t exactly right and the receiver was just getting around. It just seemed like there were more tipped balls that went in the air. If it went in the air, it was getting caught be the other team. It was really a combination of a lot of things. The things that he could control, which is what I just talked about, lets control those things. I think that he was embarrassed by the amount of interceptions, and he was fully committed to trying to solve that problem.”
(on Eli Manning throwing with his left hand to avoid a sack) “He still does it. I go crazy. It is foolish, it is stupid. You are asking for disaster. Don’t do that. Sometimes the instincts are just so strong that they take over.”
(on Eli Manning being sacked more times, but throwing fewer interceptions) “That is a tradeoff that we will take. He hates doing it. He has his offensive line buddies that are constantly, but you know what, sometimes taking a sack is the best thing that you can do.”
(on how head coach Tom Coughlin has evolved into being more focused on the passing game) “I don’t know, you have to ask Tom. If Tom had the perfect world, we would run it 30, throw it 30 and we would win 14-2. Sometimes it doesn’t play out that way and you have to recognize that what are people doing defensively. What is our best chance of moving the ball and if we have to run it 50 times, that is fine with me. If we have to throw it 50, whatever we have to do. We were struggling running the ball, and they are a great defense. Now we protected very well the first half. The problem we had in the second half, we struggled with our protection and they were knocking, so fortunately we made a couple of big plays in the passing game and that’s how we got ourselves in position to win until the very end. We ran the ball and I was thinking, ‘Where was that.’ If we could have done that all game we could have been great, but weren’t doing that. We were struggling. I think he, which I appreciate, has great faith that we are going to do whatever we have to do to try and be intelligent and prudent in what we are doing. We certainly try to function within the framework of what he is looking for philosophically. We do what we have to do to move the ball and try to win.”

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