(on what this experience has been like so far) “It’s been exciting. (Coach Bill) Belichick is always telling us just to keep everything calm and cool, so that is what I have been doing. But this definitely will be a moment I will never forget.”
(on his attitude on and off the field) “I’d say that (I’m a pretty even-keeled person off the field). I turn into a whole other person on the field. I have been like this since middle school. Some people tell me to calm down a little bit, but I just love the game. I am excited making plays and watching other guys making plays.”
(on the multiple different personalities on the defensive line) “We all just try to work together. Our whole thing as a defense is just to try and gel, play together and play well, and feed off of each other. No matter what the mix is on the defensive line – whoever is in – we all have to trust each other and know what (one another) is going to do before we do it and just play hard.”
(on if veterans Vince Wilfork, Shaun Ellis or Mark Anderson have given him any hints for his play) “I would like to tell you, but I would like to keep those a secret. (Wilfork) will tell me just to play with heart. When you’re out there, play with heart. That’s all I want to do. That’s another thing about the defensive line – we don’t want to let each other down, so that’s why we play so hard for each other.”
(on his journey from being undrafted to playing in the Super Bowl) “Sometimes it seems that this isn’t real (having been) in the predicament that I was in. At the end of the day, God brought me this far and I continue to praise him for playing this game of football.”
(on what he personally took away from the Patriots/Giants game earlier in the season) “We just have to finish the game. Personally, I just have to play harder the entire game, because I started off kind of slow. I tell myself that I can’t allow that this game. I have to start from the beginning until the end. I have to play hard the whole game. When it comes down to the fourth quarter, Eli (Manning) is going to make plays, so we as a defense have to finish it. We didn’t do that last game, so we have to do that this game.”
(on when the fact he was playing in the Super Bowl sunk in) “It didn’t really sink in until we landed. The whole time we were back home I was like, ‘Man, we are going to the Super Bowl. This is wild,’ but I would like to say that now it (really) has sunk in, especially with (all) the media. This is crazy.”
(on if he ever could have imagined being here) “I never would have imagined this – playing football in the NFL – (having) not been drafted. It has just all come full circle. It is crazy to me. But to be here is a blessing. I enjoy playing for this team and playing my role as a player. Whatever Belichick asks me, (I’ll do). I have so much respect for him and I love this team.”
(on if getting after Manning is the most important element of their job this Sunday) “I would like to say that that is part one. Part two would be stopping the run. They have two good backs also. People aren’t really putting them in the mix. They are just talking about the pass attack and whatever, but they have two good running backs that can do some damage on the ground as well. So, stopping them and stopping (Manning) is key.”
(on if practicing in pads on Monday set a good tone for the week) “Definitely, definitely. That was a big move right there. We needed that. It got a lot of guys loose. We needed that. It was perfect timing.”
(on what their goals are throughout this week) “Treat nothing different – keep our bodies well, stay focused and keep practicing hard.”

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