(on his plans to donate playoff gear) “I go through about three pairs of cleats a year but when I do finish with
a pair, I’ll sign them and send them to United Way auctions or stuff like that. I try to be as generous as possible, but at the same time, I’m not going to give away a pair of cleats that I need.”
(on always being in great shape) “I’m a bad dude, man. I’m a bad dude.” Fitness has always been important to me because it helps me execute my sport, but at the same time, it has always been something that has fascinated me. Ever since I was a kid, I used to love the sections of movies where people used to work really hard like in Rocky or The Karate Kid. My mom would never let me watch those movies past 6:00 pm because I would want to go run or do pushups or sit-ups. I was blessed with good genetics, but I also work very hard.
(on high school athletic career) “I played four sports in High School and played safety on the football team. Then I ran track in college so I stayed busy.”
(on getting thank you notes from fans who he sends cleats to) “There not so much thank you notes as they are crayon drawings but it’s cool. My fridge at home is covered with Go Giants pictures. Some of those kids aren’t big enough to wear the cleats but the fact that they have a pair of Justin Tuck cleats, they just keep them as trophies so they love it.”
(on how he ended up playing at The University of Illinois) “Being from Terre Haute Indiana, it was a smaller rural town in comparison to a lot of other college football towns. Illinois just had a home feel. It was a comfortable fit for me. The years that I played there we won about six games so we punted quite a bit. It was good for me. I loved every minute of being an Illini, it made me who I am today. It has given me an edge”
(on being a part of Media Day for Super Bowl) “It’s a dream come true. It’s a good time. It’s every little boys dream to play in the NFL and to play in the Super Bowl is just the cherry on top.”
(on advice to high school and college athletes ) “For me it’s preparation because I think getting into college nowadays is so (publicized) televised with twitter and Facebook so it’s just preparation because when preparation meets opportunity good things are going to happen.”
(on what advice he has received on how to manage Super Bowl week) “Just enjoy it because this may never happen again. The percentage of this happening period is very low. So the fact that I’m standing here right now is unbelievable. What a blessing. I’m enjoying it. 10 years from now I don’t think anyone is going to care about me, so I’m just enjoying it.”
(on Ravens kicker Billy Cundiff missing crucial kick against the Patriots in AFC Championship ) “My heart goes out to him because, obviously everyone right now thinks I’m the best holder, but I have been on the other side of that where you screwed up a hold and everyone hates you. I feel terrible for him because he prepared really hard for that season coming off a Pro Bowl season, and to miss a kick like that is disappointing for him, disappointing for his team and disappointing for the fans.”
(on being from Terre Haute Indiana) “It’s great, what an opportunity. I’m playing in a Super Bowl 46 miles from my hometown, so I’m excited. It’s really special for me to be at media day and then drive 45 minutes and be at my parent’s house.”
(on having the Terre Haute community behind him) “I’ve tried to do my best to give back to that whole community because they’ve been so good for me throughout middle school and high school and college. Everybody’s been so supportive. To be in a situation like I’m in right now, to be able to give back, is such a blessing.”
(on his mom working multiple jobs) “She’s a special lady, but I’m not surprised. If she wins the lottery tomorrow she’ll still be doing those jobs because she loves those kids and she just loves making people wedding dresses and making their day. She’s a great woman and my dad has been so influential in my upbringing. It’s just amazing that I’m so close to home to share this with them.”
(on if his dad was ever upset he went with football instead of soccer) “No, not at all. My dad just wants me to be happy. To be honest with you, when he started coaching my soccer team when I was four years old, he had to go to the library to get books, he didn’t know what he was doing. So, it’s just athletics in general, was important in my family. It was something that he thought was good for developing character. Obviously, there’s the fitness standpoint. But you develop your character, your discipline, your integrity, your accountability--it’s just all things. It doesn’t matter what sport you’re playing. If it’s a team sport, you’re going to develop those traits.”
(on if being a four-sport athlete reigned in his energy) “Being hyperactive, having ADD--maybe just a touch of it-my dad thought that would be a great way to have an energy outlet and one sport just wouldn’t cut it for me. So he kind of threw me into as much stuff as he could because if I was sitting around at home and I didn’t have a sport or practice to go to, I was driving my mom nuts. And she had three other kids to take care of. It’s kind of worked hand-in-hand for me because I never get tired. I could get three hours of sleep and I’ll still be bouncing off the walls. It’s a genetic thing for me. But hey, I like it. I don’t need coffee or Red Bull. I’m not quite as mischievous as I used to be. My energy is a little more controlled. But I think having a wife and almost three kids will settle you down a little bit. But I’m still off the walls all the time.”
(on holding kicks) “Because my brain is working at such a higher rate, I don’t really think I really realize how important some of the stuff I do really is. Holding that field goal last game, people say, ‘Man, you must have been so nervous.’ I was like, ‘Man, I was so jacked up, I was so excited, I don’t remember half of it because all the adrenaline was pumping through my body.’ But I think it’s a good relationship with (kicker) Lawrence (Tynes) because Lawrence is so calm, he has such a collected demeanor. I might seem like I’m on drugs half the time because I’m bouncing off the walls so much. It’s a good relationship because I relax him with my energy and he relaxes me with how relaxed he is.”
(on if he remembers his reaction to Tynes’ game-winning field goal last game) “I remember bits and pieces of it. But then once I saw it replayed a million times and my mom’s like, ‘So, what did you say?’ I said, ‘Mom, I’m going to the 46th Super Bowl.’”
(on if his mom believed that) “Not for a minute. But she laughed. I’m going back to Terre Haute after this to do a rally, see my parents, hang out a little bit. I’m sure they saw that. I’m a little bit embarrassed about that but that’s just emotion.”
(on if he realized what he said when he said it) “I do apologize for my language because I know I have a lot of young fans and I’m a role model in the community. But at the same time, that’s my energy. I forgot to control it at that particular time.”
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